
Owning an SL55 AMG

You Can’t Fight the DMV

2022-08-16 Commentary Tarus

The Banana is supposed to arrive tonight, so I wanted to go get it registered and get a tag for it.

It was not to be.

The seller had sent me the title and usually it is a simple process to register the car, but when I got to the DMV they wouldn’t accept it as it wasn’t notarized.

There was a space for a notary to sign that was blank, so I reached out to the seller who pointed out that in Montana, where the car was registered, a notary is not required if the seller is a company (in this case, an LLC).

A screenshot from the Montana DMV website stating that notarized signatures are not required if the seller is a company

I showed this to the folks at the DMV office, and they told me they had to consult a book published by the NADA, and that book did not include the company exception.

Picture of the NADA title book showing that a notarized signature of the seller is required on a title transfer.

I knew better than to fight with the DMV (it’s really not the fault of the folks in the registration office, but DMV administration) so I posted an angry tweet and chatted with the seller, who said they could get it notarized.

It’s past the cut-off for overnight letters so I’ll send it off tomorrow and wait for it to come back and I’ll try again.