Even though I can’t take The Banana out for a drive until the title gets back and I can get a plate, I did want to detail the car. I really enjoy detailing but when done right it takes me about two days, so for this first attempt I was just going to wash it and see what kinds of imperfections I could find and fix.
Since the car was registered in California it needed to have a front license plate, but there was no front bracket on the car. Instead it looks like they got creative and used a couple of wires coming through the lower front grill. Unfortunately, this isn’t very stable so it caused the plate to wear a couple of divots into the lower air dam, but since it is already cracked in a couple of places it will need to be replaced in the future. In the meantime, I thought the wires looked a little unsightly and wanted to remove them. I had to remove the grill by using a small screwdriver to open up a series of clips and then I used needle-nosed pliers to gently pull the grill away. I was then able to cut the wires and remove them. I thoroughly cleaned the area with the grill removed before snapping it back into place.
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